Parents page

Being a Suzuki parent can be immensely rewarding but can also be challenging at times.

This area of the website is to give you ideas and support to keep going.

If you are new here, then I suggest you watch the parent course and the Suzuki philosophy video.

The philosophy video explains how the Suzuki method is based on the way the young children pick up their native language.

If your child is very young (or even not so young) then the following page on Keeping Practice Fun might be helpful.

I love to connect with Suzuki parents. Whether you are new or a well established Suzuki parent, I would love to hear your story, your queries and your comments. You can contact me by email any time using the "contact me" link. You can also book a free chat with me, via webcam (under "Piano" or "Violin" then "Individual lessons"). I especially encourage you to do this if you are having any issues with practice. All children go through periods when they are less keen to practice and I am happy to hear your story and give my ideas on how best to help your child through these periods.